Our Work 

Civil Collective is building a world where local Organizations and Communities advocate for their needs and local resources are mobilized to accelerate locally led initiatives.

Grant Making 

We match community resources to inspire collective action. We support local communities develop assets and mobilize financial and related resources to launch their social initiatives.


We are inspired by the possibility of an African led philanthropy. Our efforts are driven by the belief that every community has assets and resources that they can leverage for their own development, rather than looking to strangers and externals for support.


Youth Exchange presents opportunities for young people to develop cross cultural competences and prepare them for the world of work. We are exploring the potential for an East Africa Youth Business Fellowship. 



COVID 19 has created an intense burden on vulnerable and marginalized communities. Even with such economic disruptions, the pandemic has presented opportunities for small businesses to flourish. We are keen on supporting mainly women led enteprises to sustain. Our partnership with Village Savings and Loans Associations enables them to access low interest loans and grants to increase available credit to women.  

Long term repayment

We understand that small enterprises require time to yield returns and our repayment is flexible.

low interest 

We are not inspired by interest but rather making a difference and economic opportunities for women and other vulnerable groups.

no collateral 

Group savings are sufficient to demonstrate their potential to repay back. We do not require any collateral for the support. 

mobile banking 

Our digital platform allows for payments to be made via mobile money with no extra charges.

Program & Funding Partners 


We have been keen sharing our experience and expertise with other Organizations. From conducting business development, capacity assessments, leadership to strategic planning and conducting due diligence.


Our exchange program is aimed at bring youth and young professionals together to exchange and learn from each other.